Hydrogen is a very powerful energy vector, 3 times more energetic than gas or diesel. In accordance with the numerous current European standards, established especially to control inflammability of hydrogen, the engine of this lawn mower has undergone a precise adjustment. Through the modification of the fuel injection system, the MAHYTEC team had to realize a complete dose-finding study so that the mixture fulfill the requirements in terms of performances. The dosage which could be defined as the ratio between the mass of the fuel (hydrogen) and the matching quantity of air, must provide us a mixture in stoichiometric proportions which is reducing in hydrogen for slower regimes. Hydrogen is stored in a MAHYTEC tank which use a solid storage through an hydride which allows an easy and safe use at room temperature and low pressure (2 to 3 bar). Those tanks provide an autonomy of 3 to 4 hours without a loss of power and a loading fast enough to obtain a use rate of 80%. This technology requires knowledge in different fields, in particular in the fields of materials, hydrogen and the management of thermal exchanges.
MAHYTEC proposes here a high-end product. The innovations in combustion system turn out to be beneficial to the environment, since it does not emit directly pollutants during the combustion process. The Greater Dole urban area already showed interest in this riding lawn mower, where she will be introduced on March 15th 2012. It could also interest lawn mowers manufacturers, vehicles or devices who wish to dispose of efficient and clean engines.
MAHYTEC is a company specialized in the design, manufacture and characterization of hydrogen tanks for mobile applications.
MAHYTEC offers customers innovative and custom-tailored solutions. Besides our products, our strong R&D capacity team supports projects in each step from design to manufacturing,
L’autre partie de la solution met en œuvre des panneaux solaires photovoltaïques raccordés à des convertisseurs qui assurent, via un stockage tampon par batterie, la fourniture d’énergie au quotidien. L’ensemble des équipements sera pilotés automatiquement par un module de contrôle intelligent, et le transfert d’information par GSM permettra de suivre à distance l’ensemble des indicateurs du système pour prévenir les éventuelles actions de maintenance.
Gest’ Hydrogène et Gest’ Performance ont conçu et fabriquent le local amovible et assurent la gestion thermique de l’ensemble. MAHYTEC assure la conception et la construction du système de stockage et de distribution d’hydrogène. Powidian fournit sa solution SAGES incluant une baie de production et de conversion d’hydrogène (électrolyseur et pile à combustible), la batterie, les panneaux solaires, l’atelier d’énergie, et les équipements électriques, et assure le pilotage de l’ensemble des équipements. Waetcher Energies assure les différentes phases d’installation de raccordement et de distribution électriques. C’est grâce à cette exceptionnelle complémentarité de compétences techniques que le consortium des 5 PME peut offrir un système complet et du plus haut niveau technologique au Parc national de la Vanoise.